

·         Born on 384 B.C , Stagira , chalcidice , Northern Greece 

·         He was a Greek philosopher & Scientist 

·         Aristotle tutored Alexander the Great starting from 343 B.C 

·         At eighteen, he joined Plato Academy where Plato was his Teacher  & remain there until the age of thirty seven (347 B.C) 

·         His writing covers many subjects including Physics , Biology , Zoology, metaphysics , logics , ethics , aesthetics, poetry, theatre, music , rhetoric, linguistics , politics & government 

·         His works contains earliest known formal study of logic 

·         Name of Aristotle means Best purpose

·         His notable ideas such as golden mean , Aristotelian Logic , Syllogism, Hexis, Hylomorphism, Theory of the soul 

·         He died on 322 BC  , Euboea , Greece 
