Martin Luther

Martin Luther

·         Born on 10 November 1483 in Eisleben , Saxony , Holy Roman Empire

·         He was a theologianfrier , priest, former monk & important figure of Protestant reformation

·         Luther believed that salvation & eternal life cannot be earned by good deeds but received only  through faith in Jesus Christ  as redeemer from sin

·         Notable works :- Ninety five theses , Luther large catechism , Luther small catechism , on the freedom of Christian

·         Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the door of All Saints church in Wittenberg on 31st October 1517 & sparking the reformation
·         He married to katharina von bora in April 1523

·         He was a prolific hymns writer & author many  hymns such as Ein feste Burg is unser Gott ,  Von himmel hoch , da komm ich her   ,  Ein neues Lied wir heben an  ,  wir glauben all an eminent Gott  ,  Vater unser im  Himmelreich 

·         He died on 18 February 1546 in Eisleben , Saxony, Holy Roman Empire

·         He translated the  Bible into German with the help of Johannes Gutenberg printing press in 1534
